Ok I woke up, sorry I took such a long nap.

What is this game?

It's a space colonization game set in a rat version of Earth and the solar system. You select your ratty factions, buy rocket parts to either sell, or boost into Low Earth Orbit. Both of these actions cost money, you can always skip a round to raise some money, in the future there will be a time limit! You can then fuel your rocket and move around. Be careful when planning your trips or you might get stranded!


- Inspired by real rocket science!

- Nodes model levels of energy required to get into a stable orbit at that altitude.

- Fuel and weight are crucial factors to moving around, your rocket burns up fuel and gets lighter. Or you made it too heavy and it'll be clunky and wasteful to move around.

- Every patent comes with requirements, to get an efficient and functioning rocket, dig through the pile of cards in the market! Don't worry about too many cards, can always flip them for quick cash!

Future Endeavors:

- I'm working on mining and industrializing space! You will be able to colonize all over the solar system in the next build.

Made for Ludum Dare: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/56/rat-frontier

Updated 12 hours ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorRuben Tipparach
TagsLudum Dare 56

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