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Awesome game , man! Beautiful aesthetic and interesting story!

this game got me twice. Very beautiful aesthetic, and the's amazing.



I think this is one of the best-looking games I've played. I'm in love with the colours, they way you did the dithering on the lampposts, the final "enemy". Wonderful work.

I appreciate it, the ending just lacked horror.

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amazing short indie horror game! cool pixel style, great story and great atmosphere! keep up the great work familia!

Was a great game! Loved the visuals and the sound, it all went really well together. The story was pretty in depth ad well thought out and was really fun to find every note and figure out what was coming next! The bloody notes were a great addition and added yet another depth to the game and was pretty well done, though a bit confusing. I might have missed a few notes but didn't quite get the end or the part of the bloody notes and why they were there. 

But overall, it was really fun to explore and slowly progress the story. Loved how the player had to go all the way back and then things slightly change and it just all goes to a hundred at the end. Really fun game and good luck for future thimgs!

A good game. Maybe too short but good.

I turned around to look at the gate before the rock and when I turned around the creature was there and I jumped. Fun game!!!


Played this. I would have liked to bail as soon as possible by listening to the notes telling me to leave.


The whole key to the trunk thing made no sense and left me quite lost. An indicator to connect a golden key to a golden lock maybe would make more sense, and the ending felt a bit... dull? It was all a big buildup to an okay climax. The game, despite having the crappy graphics aesthetic (which I do love) runs a bit poor.

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The whole key to the trunk thing made no sense and left me quite lost. An indicator to connect a golden key to a golden lock maybe would make more sense, and the ending felt a bit... dull? It was all a big buildup to an okay climax.

I can agree with this. I still love the game, though. I'm sure that if the dev had spent more time, this would be fantastic.



Fun short story game you got here. I liked the premise and the scenery. The monster design is quite cool and creepy. I'm hoping in the expanded game you will add more horror elements and increase the fear factor. As it stands, its not scary but I still had fun exploring the story. Great job on the game. Looking forward to more from you!

Excellent. Looking forward to seeing more from you.


This was very cool! Are you planning to expand the game?


Yes. But it will be in the form of a new game.

OK, looking forward to it!

I am happy to see this, I absolutely love it!

Definitely a good game and also an interesting story as well. My only suggestion is if you want the story to flow, I'd recommend putting a door in that one fork.

Otherwise, great game.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

DAE The Thing? Naturally love the aesthetic, I think that the introduction of music detracts from the feel though honestly, it'd be cool the other way round imo - starting with music and it stopping. The little world-building details were cool though! 

Gameplay if anyone is interested: 

Loved the nostalgia feel of John Carpenter's The Thing. Great pacing, short story and creepy atmosphere. Definitely on the look out for more content from you. Thanks.

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Great game! It is featured in my Top 5 of this week!

Check my video!

This game reminds me of a horror movie call The Thing. 

Good and atmospheric game dev 

Hello, I played this game and I really liked it, cool concept, and the gameplay and sound effects were great too, good work :)


Fantastic Game!
Loved the pixelated art design, sound effects and environment was very immersive, the creepy part, where the statue disappears was neat, but little short. Notes gave a more understanding to the story, which is great. Ending was top notch. 
Overall, great game! Hope to see more!